TV: Capital - Representations

scene 1 - opening sequence

Place - London:
-high shots of London's residential area, shows overcrowded nature
-value of houses - 2.5 million

family and gender
-'we're all millionaires through our houses' 'so we're not real millionaires then'
-roger never looks at wife after wedding - looks at money or newspaper

ethnicity and religion
-petunias husband didnt like change
-when speaking to the Kamal's she is apologetic - audience sympathises with her
-clear british accents

issues (immigration, asylum, inequality, wealth, ageing)
-petunia - shows how shes lived in her house her whole life - bright/warm colours at start when she was younger but gradually becomes more dull and grey - idea life was better before

scene 2 - work in the city

-train - central london, commuter with sweaty armpit, crowded - catches every detail to accurately show life in the city 
-bank/office shows view of buildings - aerial shot of canary wharf

family and gender
-men shown as working (breadwinner) - roger goes to work while his wife is a housewife who stays home and looks after the kids

ethnicity and religion
-white businessman - no females in whole scene - similar to flashback scene - shows things havent changed as much as it seems

-ageing - young co-worker and middle age banker - people in charge of industry dont understand whats happening but younger generation does
-wealth - 'bonuses around the corner...'

scene 3 - 'which of those isnt absolutely essential?'

-big modern family home

family and gender
-wealthy family - multiple properties, expensive rennovations -'i was thinking to redo conrads room - dinosaur themed!'

ethnicity and religion
-bogdan - 'roger your forgetting hes german. a german saying the figures are pretty good is an english man saying £1million bonus' - later gets small bonus compared to what was expected - stereotypes dont fit globalisation

-'you'd be surprised how little £1million actually pays for these days'
-roger listing expenses - wife says 'which of those isnt absolutely essential' - wasting money but dont see it that way, luxury items are considered essential to them

scene 4 - asylum 

place - london
-representation of an unseen side of london - lots of people living in a small space (lodging) compared to upper class properties. £200 compared to £1million bonus

family and gender
-male is sexist as Quentina walks in 'did you dress up for me...perhaps a little kiss, my way of thanks' -doesnt give her a choice, has to do it to take her money. mocks real name
-links to modern day - things havent changes - exploitation, MeToo campaign, TimesUp

ethnicity and religion
-'if i return i will be killed' 'perhaps you'll be lucky' 'maybe ill only be raped'
-wants to work and positively contribute in society and live a good life but isnt 'legally permitted to work'

-gets back £200 of her £300 - 'ive had to increase my commission'
-immigrant officer makes it seem as if the situation cant be helped and is out of her control when its her job 

scene 5 - 'what use is 30 grand?'

-recognisable - tube and path of where he is walking.

-Swiss subsidiary, its goes beyond natural volatility, it's a genuine loss

scene 6 - life at the corner shop

-middle/upper class family never been to corner shop before - neighbours but didnt even realise, encounter seemed awkward

family and gender
-difference between the perspectives of different family members
-stereotypes - dad shouting, mum looking after children, traditional idea of breadwinner
-'he's in trouble now' - male isnt actually dominant, not a typical representation
-'how much do i owe you?' - everything about money, dont understand people can just be nice
-kamal family all at table together, rogers family never in same place at once

-'30 grand...its fundamentally not fair...i need a proper bonus...i need the money'
-'its not a case of greed'
-'its not how it works'
